

Size: not_found

Headquarters: not_found

Website: not_found

Description: Findora blockchain is next-generation, creating new ways to protect the data privacy of users by empowering them to mask their data. The inception of Findora began in 2017 as a university cryptography research project. Findora founders used the latest breakthroughs in zero-knowledge proofs, Bulletproofs, and multi-party computation to provide users with transactional privacy with selective disclosure and auditability. While Findora is in some ways similar to Ethereum, Findora has also added additional privacy protections. Ethereum reveals every detail of a transaction on a public ledger log entry, which doesn’t allow for much privacy of users’ data. But Findora Blockchain 2.0 technology allows users to mask their data. With Findora, users can hide selected portions of their overall data on the public ledger log entry. Findora founders wanted to solve identity authentication issues, so the platform was created with an address identity registry that greatly expands potential use cases. Findora can mask users’ data because of its pioneering cryptography research. The platform relies on Bulletproofs and specialized zero-knowledge cryptography such as PLONK and Supersonic. If a user sends 1,000,000 tokens on the Bitcoin or Ethereum blockchain, data from that transaction will be publicly viewable. With Findora, users can easily mask data fields. In a Findora confidential transfer, the "amount" can be masked from public view. However, the sender, recipient and specially privileged users — such as government regulators — can unmask hidden data.
